\n Multifactor Authentication
\n >
\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n 0 ? 'asc' : 'dsc'\">Title\n | \n
{{track.title}} | \n
\n 0 ? 'asc' : 'dsc'\">Title\n | \n\n 0 ? 'asc' : 'dsc'\">Type\n | \n\n 0 ? 'asc' : 'dsc'\">Created\n | \n\n |
{{unit.title}} | \n{{unit.type}} | \n{{prettyTime(unit.createdAt)}} | \n\n \n | \n
\nPlease check the CSV formatting and try again.
\nActive users: {{ countLogins.uniquesCount }} of {{ memberCount }} {{ sumRegisteredUsers }}
\nTotal Logins: {{ countLogins?.loginCount }}
\nAccount Sign Ups: {{ countLogins?.signupCount }}
\nLayout presets represent saved combinations of topic content, track display & topic/track order. These can be assigned to individual groups. Tracks, Units and User Progress remain separate.
\n\n Started Tracking:
\n Downloads: Febuary 2024
\n Logins: March 2024
\n Track Views: March 2024
\n Video Events: April 2024
\n Search Events: April 2024
\n Track Complete (all videos started): October 2024
{{ localTrack.content }}
\nJump back in where you left off.
\n\n Don’t fancy these topics? Here’s everything & the kitchen sink.\n
Pick up right where you left off! Here's a list of your recently accessed tracks.
\nCreate your permanent password following the instructions below to have full access to Money Sanity U.
\n \nHelping you build healthy money habits.\n
If this is your first time accessing Money Sanity U, Login with your email address and the temporary password included in the invitation email sent to you from contact@sharesavespend.com. We suggest searching your spam folder as well.
\nIf you can’t find your invitation email or you received the invitation more than 90 days ago fill out this form so we can help.
\nIf you receive an error that your password cannot be reset, please fill out this form and we'll be in touch.
\nWe’ve received your help request and will be in touch via the email address you provided.
\nThanks for reaching out!
\nHow you talk about money matters. It impacts your quality of life and your wellbeing. These conversations build and important bridge between unhealthy silence and emotional interactions. When combined with intentional actions, these conversations help you become more confident and successful with money.
\nCreated by personal finance expert, Nathan Dungan, Money Sanity U® offers unique insights and relatable examples—designed to generate meaningful conversations, actionable ideas and healthy habits.
\n \nA subscription-based platform to address a wide variety of money issues using videos, conversation starters and activities. Learning tracks provide users access to tools and resources to increase financial balance and wellbeing.
\nMoney Sanity U is available to family offices, multi-family offices and organizations to use with their family members, clients and/or employees. Contact us for more details and to arrange a demo.
\n \nInformation. When you visit www.moneysanityu.com (“Money Sanity U”® or “Website”), the information contained in this Website is for general informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
\nAs Is. While Share Save Spend® LLC and/or their affiliates and/or its or their agents (collectively, “we” or “our” or “us”) may endeavour to keep this Website up to date and correct, everything on this Website is provided “as is” and we make no representations, warranties, guarantees, or promises of any kind, express or implied, regarding any information or anything else on this Website.
\nDISCLAIMER. We disclaim any and all representations, warranties or promises, express or implied, regarding MERCHANTABILITY, completeness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, performance, suitability OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, availability, NON-INFRINGEMENT, or anything else regarding this Website or REGARDING the information, products, services, or content contained or otherwise referenced on this Website. THE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE IS NOT ACCOUNTING, FINANCIAL, INVESTMENT OR LEGAL ADVICE AND YOU SHOULD SEEK THAT TYPE OF ADVICE FROM PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS (i.e., your ACCOUNTANT, Investment Advisor, FINANCIAL PLANNER and attorney).
\nAny reliance that user or their organization (“you” or “your”) place upon anything contained or relating to this Website is at your SOLE risk.
\nIn no event will we be liable for any loss or damage of any nature, including without limitation, direct, indirect, SPECIAL, or consequential, or any other loss or damage whatsoever (WHETHER ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO ANY ACTION IN CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT OR OTHERWISE) relating directly or indirectly to your use of this Website in any way, EVEN IF WE ARE AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGES.
\nThe foregoing disclaimers and limitations of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.
\nLinks. Through this Website you may be able to link to other Websites. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not imply a recommendation or that we endorse anything on such linked sites. If you decide to access a third party’s site from a link on this Website, you do so at your sole risk and are subject to the terms of that site.
\nNo Reproduction. This Website contains material owned by or licensed to us, including, but not limited to, the content, design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice of this Website and with our written approval.
\nAssumption of Risk. There are security, transmission or other risks associated with use of the Internet and you expressly assume any and all such risks.
\nEquitable Relief. Unauthorized use of this Website may give rise to a claim for an injunction, damages and/or may be a criminal offense.
\nPosting. You shall not post upon or transmit through this Website anything that is false, libelous, defamatory, obscene, profane, infringes on any copyright or other rights of any other person or entity, or otherwise could result in civil or criminal liability.
\nLaws. You are responsible for respecting and adhering to local, state, federal and international laws at all times with respect to your use of this Website. Your use of this Website and/or any of your accounts set up through this Website and these Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, without regard to the conflict of laws thereof, and the laws of the United States.
\nUser Name & Password. If you create an online account for access to the member library, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password and for any and all activities that occur under your username and password. You agree you will not allow any third party to use your username and password. If you disclose or allow access to any of the foregoing information, you assume all risks and losses associated with such disclosure. If you permit any other person to access your account or your username and password, you are responsible for any resulting account activities. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless us are directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against all losses, expenses, and damages, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees, relating to your use of this Website, your use of any account accessed through this Website, or the use by any other person accessing such account using your username and password. We can shut off access to your online account at any time without liability.
\nLICENSE AND SITE ACCESS. During the applicable term, We grant you a nonexclusive limited license to have online access to Money Sanity U® solely for your individual personal use. You agree that any reproduction, presentation, distribution, transmission or commercial use (e.g., training) of the concepts, strategies, methods, materials, concepts, data information provided at or in conjunction with the Money Sanity U® is prohibited. We own (or has been licensed): a) all components of Money Sanity U®,its intellectual property, logos, marks and any of its modifications, results, derivate works of Money Sanity U®.; and b) all of Share Save Spend proprietary methodologies, training modules, concepts, work approaches, platforms, know-how, techniques, discoveries, utilities and inventions arising under or connected with Money Sanity U®. Your personal use does not allow you to download (other than page caching) or modify the Website, or any portion of it, except with our express written consent. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of this Website or its contents; any collection and use of any product listings, descriptions, or prices; any derivative use of this Website or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or for training or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools. This Website or any portion of this Website may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without our express written consent. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of ours without express written consent. You may not use any meta tags or any other \"hidden text\" utilizing our name or trademarks without our express written consent. Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by us. You are granted a limited, revocable, and nonexclusive right to create a hyperlink to the home page of our website so long as the link does not portray us, or our products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive matter. You may not use our logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of the link without express written permission.
\nModification. No oral modification or waiver of these Terms of Use of any breach hereof will be effective. No delay or failure in exercising any right or remedy will constitute a waiver, nor will it preclude any exercise or further of that or any other right or remedy.
\nChanges. We reserve the right to change our Terms of Use at any time without notice.
\nGeneral Policy. When you visit our Website we do not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you specifically provide it to us. Your visit may be logged by a statistics program, which keeps records of traffic on the site, as well as numerical counts of visitors by domain, URL, search engine, keywords used, and other standard web measurements.
\nRegistration for Money Sanity U®. If you are a member and you choose to register for the Money Sanity U® member library on the site, you need to supply us with certain required information, including your name, e-mail address and company.
\nMarketing E-mails. If you receive a marketing e-mail from Money Sanity U®, your e-mail address is either listed with us as someone who has expressly shared that address for the purpose of receiving information in the future (you or your authorized organization have “opted in” or “subscribed” to the communication), or you have an existing client relationship with us. Each of our marketing e-mails will include a way for you to opt out (unsubscribe) from that particular communication or from all marketing e-mails sent by the Studio /e. If you have received unwanted, unsolicited e-mail from us, please forward a copy of that e-mail to info@moneysanityu.com.
\nDisclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties. Money Sanity U® will not sell or rent the personal information you provide to us to any third party. In addition, we will not disclose the personal information you provide to us without your consent, except (a) as required by law, (b) to our independent contractors who host and maintain our Website and e-mail services, and (c) to service providers and suppliers if the disclosure will enable that party to perform business, professional or technical support for us.
\nLinks to Other Websites. Money Sanity U® does not endorse and is not responsible for the information practices or privacy policies of Websites operated by others that may be linked to or from our Website. If you decide to access a third party’s Web Site from a link to or from this Website, you should consult that Web Site’s privacy policy.
\nYour Consent. By using the Website, you consent to our use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy at any time without advance notice. Should any new policy go into effect, we will post it on this site, and the policy will apply only to information collected thereafter.
\nHow to contact us. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@moneysanityu.com. To the extent that the professional rules of any jurisdiction require us to designate a principle office or an attorney for this web site, Money Sanity U® designates its office in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
\nChange. We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy at any time without notice.
\nReproduction of part or all of the contents in any form of this Website is prohibited. No permission is granted to incorporate any material or any part of it in any work or publication, whether in hard copy, electronic or any other form.
\n©Share Save Spend®, LLC All rights reserved.
\nTips for improving results:
\nWe need to redirect you to login through your organization. Once complete you'll be brought back to MSU.
\n \n\nLet's get your account created. Start by using the temporary login information you received in an email from contact@sharesavespend.com.
\nHint: If you can’t find your log-in email, check your Spam or Junk folder.
\nWe've sent you an email containing a \"Verification Code\" (remember to check your spam folder).
\nChoose if a specific track is shown as a \"welcome\" or \"start here\" experience.
\nTopics are groupings of tracks. Topics order and content are unique to EACH layout preset!
\nTracks in this column won't display until added to the order. The first track in the list may be \"featured\" for first time users and in the list.
\nStatus: | \nName: | \n \n \n
{{topic.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''}} | \n{{topic.title}} | \n \n \n
Status: | \nName: | \nAudience: | \nCreated: | \n
Disabled | \n{{track.title}} | \n{{track.audience}} | \n{{formatDateTime(track.createdAt)}} | \n
Disabled | \n{{track.title}} | \n{{track.audience}} | \n{{formatDateTime(track.createdAt)}} | \n
Status: | \nName: | \nUsed: | \nType: | \nCreated: | \n
{{unit.unitDisabled ? 'disabled' : ''}} | \n{{unit.title}} | \n \n{{unit.foundIn.values.length - 1}} | \n{{unit.type}} | \n{{formatDateTime(unit.createdAt)}} | \n
{{unit.unitDisabled ? 'disabled' : ''}} | \n{{unit.title}} | \n \n{{unit.foundIn.values.length - 1}} | \n{{unit.type}} | \n{{formatDateTime(unit.createdAt)}} | \n
Display Name | \nDescription | \nFile Name | \nCreated | \nAssigned To | \n\n |
{{r.displayName}} | \n{{r.description}} | \n{{r.resourceName}} | \n{{formatDateTime(r.createdAt)}} | \n{{r.forGroups}} | \n\n |
Active | \nMembers | \n
{{g.title}} | \n \n{{g.members.length}} / {{g.maxMembers > 0 ? g.maxMembers :'unlimited'}} | \n
Inactive | \nMembers | \n
{{g.title}} | \n{{g.members.length}} / {{g.maxMembers > 0 ? g.maxMembers :'unlimited'}} | \n